
About the instrument: Guzheng(Chinese zither), a 21 string plucked instrument, has more than 2500 years of history. It also makes a great impact to other Asian zithers, such as the Japanese koto, the Korean gayageum, and the Vietnamese đàn tranh.


古筝是中国传统弹拨乐器,已有2500年以上的历史。源于春秋战国,兴于汉魏,盛于隋唐明清。历朝古筝经历5弦、13弦、17弦等,直至当今21弦形制。其中,13弦形制对亚洲其他国家的筝产生了深远影响,如韩国伽倻琴,日本筝Japanese koto,越南筝Vietnamese đàn tranh等。当今古筝流派有南北派之分,北派风格豪爽泼辣,如山东派、河南派;南派风格轻柔婉约,如潮州派、客家派。古筝技法有左手吟按揉滑颤,右手托抹勾打摇等。由于古筝音色优美,手法多样,定弦和谐,目前古筝已成为中国民族乐器中学习人数最多的乐器

About Guan Menghua Music Studio

Guan Menghua Music Studio was established by Menghua Guan in the city of Naperville. The main business of the studio is Guzheng selling, renting, teaching (individual, group or online classes), performing (Guzheng solo, ensemble and with symphony orchestra) and lecturing (to all kinds of social association like schools, universities, libraries etc)



About Menghua Guan

  • 1. Education back ground

    Menghua Guan, learned Chinese zither (Guzheng) at the age of 10, received her master’s degree in music in Nanjing Normal University in China. She is the founder of Guan Menghua Music studio.
  • 2. Capability and experiences

    Menghua Guan is a professional Chinese zither (Guzheng) performer and tutor in Chicago area. She has published 8 articles and has more than 20 years of Chinese zither (Guzheng) teaching. More than 10 of her students have won prizes in prestigious Chinese traditional instruments competitions.
  • 3. Awards

    Menghua Guan was honored Excellent Music Teacher by Jiangsu Education Department in 2008. After she came to American in 2012, she was invited to numerous lectures and performances. For example, lecture in Roosevelt University, lecture in College of Dupage, lecture in Chicago Public Library, performance in Chicago Confucius Institute, performance for Chinese New Year festival Events held by Chinese Consulate in Chicago etc. In 2017, she was invited as academic representative to participate in the Chinese zither (Guzheng) Symposium in Yangzhou, China.
Menghua Guan was also invited to Millennium Park Chinese zither Concerto performance by Chicago Jazz Philharmonic in Jun 14th, 2018.


关孟华,毕业于南京师范大学音乐学院硕士学位,江苏省音乐家协会会员,曾多次荣获江苏省常州市古筝优秀指导教师称号,并被江苏省教育厅评为江苏省优秀音乐理论课指导教师称号。2005年起在江苏常州工学院艺术学院音乐系担任专业古筝教师及音乐理论课教师,2012年定居美国芝加哥后,继续从事古筝演出、教学及推广工作,于2017年创立关孟华古筝工作室及关孟华古筝乐团,在大芝加哥地区培养了一批古筝演奏者。曾在核心期刊发表论文《河南筝曲主题研究》、《论琴筝审美的雅俗分野》等8篇,并在民族器乐大赛中担任专业评委工作,所指导的学生在国家级、省市级民族器乐大赛、音乐理论大赛中获奖十余项。曾应芝加哥Roosevelt University 以及College of DuPage大学之邀,举办古筝讲座及个人独奏音乐会,并于2018年6月受芝加哥爵士交响乐团之邀,在芝加哥千禧公园露天音乐厅表演古筝与交响乐协奏曲《战台风幻想曲》。

About Menghua Guan Guzheng Ensemble

Guan Menghua Guzheng Ensemble is constituted by Menghua Guan and her students. The Ensemble was invited to lots of performances in Chicago area, like Chicago Qipao Association festival, Chicago Scientists and Engineers Association festival, Chicago Asian heritage month festival etc.



For more information please visit更多详情请见:

  • Chinese Website of Guan Menghua Music Studio: http://www.gmhguzheng.com/ 关孟华古筝网中文版
  • English Website of Guan Menghua Music Studio: http://www.menghuaguan.com/ 关孟华古筝网英文版
  • Guan Menghua Music Studio Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMjpvNUmsFsHoDPongbj8Q 关 孟华古筝工作室海外视频频道
  • Guan Menghua Music Studio Chinese mainland channel: http://v.qq.com/vplus/0aa26754ba8a922c7326054966a046d9 关 孟华古筝工作室中国大陆视频频道
For more information, please contact Guan Menghua Music Studio at dreamchinazither@gmail.com
Copyright © 2016-2021 MenghuaGuan Guzheng(Chinese zither) Studio in Chicago 芝加哥关孟华古筝工作室
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